Keepalive command. A 'Ping' action will elicit a 'Pong' response. Used to keep the manager connection open. Control Event Flow. If all events should be sent. If no events should be sent. To select which flags events should have to be sent. Enable/Disable sending of events to this manager client. Logoff Manager. Logoff the current manager session. Login Login Manager. ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned. Username to login with as specified in manager.conf. Authorization type. Valid values are: Plain text secret. (default) MD5 hashed secret. Plain text secret to login with as specified in manager.conf. Key to use with MD5 authentication. To create the key, you must initialize a new MD5 hash, call the Challenge AMI action, update the hash with the response, then update the hash with the secret as specified in manager.conf. The key value must be the final result of the hash as a 32 character lower-case hex string without any "0x" prepended. See the description for an example of creating a key in Python. Login Manager. import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() m.update(response_from_challenge) m.update(your_secret) key = m.hexdigest() ## '031edd7d41651593c5fe5c006fa5752b' Challenge Logoff Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth. Digest algorithm to use in the challenge. Valid values are: Generate a challenge for MD5 authentication. Hangup channel. The exact channel name to be hungup, or to use a regular expression, set this parameter to: /regex/ Example exact channel: SIP/provider-0000012a Example regular expression: /^SIP/provider-.*$/ Numeric hangup cause. Hangup a channel. List channel status. The name of the channel to query for status. Comma , separated list of variable to include. If set to "true", the Status event will include all channel variables for the requested channel(s). Will return the status information of each channel along with the value for the specified channel variables. Raised in response to a Status command. Type of channel Dialed number identifier Absolute lifetime of the channel Identifier of the bridge the channel is in, may be empty if not in one Application currently executing on the channel Data given to the currently executing channel Media formats the connected party is willing to send or receive Media formats that frames from the channel are received in Translation path for media received in native formats Media formats that frames to the channel are accepted in Translation path for media sent to the connected party Configured call group on the channel Configured pickup group on the channel Number of seconds the channel has been active Status Raised in response to a Status command. Number of Status events returned Status Sets a channel variable or function value. Channel to set variable for. Variable name, function or expression. Variable or function value. This command can be used to set the value of channel variables or dialplan functions. If a channel name is not provided then the variable is considered global. Getvar Gets a channel variable or function value. Channel to read variable from. Variable name, function or expression. Get the value of a channel variable or function return. If a channel name is not provided then the variable is considered global. Setvar Retrieve configuration. Configuration filename (e.g. foo.conf). Category in configuration file. A comma separated list of name_regex=value_regex expressions which will cause only categories whose variables match all expressions to be considered. The special variable name TEMPLATES can be used to control whether templates are included. Passing include as the value will include templates along with normal categories. Passing restrict as the value will restrict the operation to ONLY templates. Not specifying a TEMPLATES expression results in the default behavior which is to not include templates. This action will dump the contents of a configuration file by category and contents or optionally by specified category only. In the case where a category name is non-unique, a filter may be specified to match only categories with matching variable values. GetConfigJSON UpdateConfig CreateConfig ListCategories Retrieve configuration (JSON format). Configuration filename (e.g. foo.conf). Category in configuration file. This action will dump the contents of a configuration file by category and contents in JSON format or optionally by specified category only. This only makes sense to be used using rawman over the HTTP interface. In the case where a category name is non-unique, a filter may be specified to match only categories with matching variable values. GetConfig UpdateConfig CreateConfig ListCategories Update basic configuration. Configuration filename to read (e.g. foo.conf). Configuration filename to write (e.g. foo.conf) Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module). Whether the effective category contents should be preserved on template change. Default is true (pre 13.2 behavior). Action to take. 0's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000. Category to operate on. Variable to work on. Value to work on. Extra match required to match line. Line in category to operate on (used with delete and insert actions). A comma separated list of action-specific options. One or more of the following... Allow duplicate category names. This category is a template. Templates from which to inherit. The following actions share the same options... catfilter is most useful when a file contains multiple categories with the same name and you wish to operate on specific ones instead of all of them. This action will modify, create, or delete configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files. GetConfig GetConfigJSON CreateConfig ListCategories Creates an empty file in the configuration directory. The configuration filename to create (e.g. foo.conf). This action will create an empty file in the configuration directory. This action is intended to be used before an UpdateConfig action. GetConfig GetConfigJSON UpdateConfig ListCategories List categories in configuration file. Configuration filename (e.g. foo.conf). This action will dump the categories in a given file. GetConfig GetConfigJSON UpdateConfig CreateConfig Redirect (transfer) a call. Channel to redirect. Second call leg to transfer (optional). Extension to transfer to. Extension to transfer extrachannel to (optional). Context to transfer to. Context to transfer extrachannel to (optional). Priority to transfer to. Priority to transfer extrachannel to (optional). Redirect (transfer) a call. BlindTransfer Attended transfer. Transferer's channel. Extension to transfer to. Context to transfer to. Attended transfer. AttendedTransfer 13.18.0 14.7.0 15.1.0 16.0.0 Cancel an attended transfer. The transferer channel. Cancel an attended transfer. Note, this uses the configured cancel attended transfer feature option (atxferabort) to cancel the transfer. If not available this action will fail. AttendedTransfer Originate a call. Channel name to call. Extension to use (requires Context and Priority) Context to use (requires Exten and Priority) Priority to use (requires Exten and Context) Application to execute. Data to use (requires Application). How long to wait for call to be answered (in ms.). Caller ID to be set on the outgoing channel. Channel variable to set, multiple Variable: headers are allowed. Account code. Set to true to force call bridge on early media.. Set to true for fast origination. Comma-separated list of codecs to use for this call. Channel UniqueId to be set on the channel. Channel UniqueId to be set on the second local channel. PreDialGoSub Context,Extension,Priority to set options/headers needed before start the outgoing extension Generates an outgoing call to a Extension/Context/Priority or Application/Data OriginateResponse Raised in response to an Originate command. Originate Execute Asterisk CLI Command. Asterisk CLI command to run. Run a CLI command. Check Extension Status. Extension to check state on. Context for extension. Report the extension state for given extension. If the extension has a hint, will use devicestate to check the status of the device connected to the extension. Will return an Extension Status message. The response will include the hint for the extension and the status. ExtensionStatus Check Presence State Presence Provider to check the state of Report the presence state for the given presence provider. Will return a Presence State message. The response will include the presence state and, if set, a presence subtype and custom message. PresenceStatus Set absolute timeout. Channel name to hangup. Maximum duration of the call (sec). Hangup a channel after a certain time. Acknowledges set time with Timeout Set message. Check mailbox. Full mailbox ID mailbox@vm-context. Checks a voicemail account for status. Returns whether there are messages waiting. Message: Mailbox Status. Mailbox: mailboxid. Waiting: 0 if messages waiting, 1 if no messages waiting. MailboxCount Check Mailbox Message Count. Full mailbox ID mailbox@vm-context. Checks a voicemail account for new messages. Returns number of urgent, new and old messages. Message: Mailbox Message Count Mailbox: mailboxid UrgentMessages: count NewMessages: count OldMessages: count MailboxStatus List available manager commands. Returns the action name and synopsis for every action that is available to the user. Sends a text message to channel. A content type can be optionally specified. If not set it is set to an empty string allowing a custom handler to default it as it sees fit. Channel to send message to. Message to send. The type of content in the message Sends A Text Message to a channel while in a call. SendText Send an arbitrary event. Event string to send. Content1. ContentN. Send an event to manager sessions. UserEvent UserEvent Wait for an event to occur. Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for events, -1 means forever. This action will elicit a Success response. Whenever a manager event is queued. Once WaitEvent has been called on an HTTP manager session, events will be generated and queued. Show PBX core settings (version etc). Query for Core PBX settings. Show PBX core status variables. Query for Core PBX status. Send a reload event. Name of the module to reload. Send a reload event. ModuleLoad Raised in response to a CoreShowChannels command. Identifier of the bridge the channel is in, may be empty if not in one Application currently executing on the channel Data given to the currently executing application The amount of time the channel has existed CoreShowChannels CoreShowChannelsComplete Raised at the end of the CoreShowChannel list produced by the CoreShowChannels command. Conveys the status of the command reponse list The total number of list items produced CoreShowChannels CoreShowChannel List currently active channels. List currently defined channels and some information about them. Raised at the end of the CoreShowChannelMap list produced by the CoreShowChannelMap command. Conveys the status of the command response list The total number of list items produced List all channels connected to the specified channel. The channel to get the mapping for. Requires a channel name. List all channels currently connected to the specified channel. This can be any channel, including Local channels, and Local channels will be followed through to their other half. Reload and rotate the Asterisk logger. Reload and rotate the logger. Analogous to the CLI command 'logger rotate'. Module management. Asterisk module name (including .so extension) or subsystem identifier: The operation to be done on module. Subsystem identifiers may only be reloaded. Completely unload and load again a specified module. If no module is specified for a reload loadtype, all modules are reloaded. For refresh operations, attempt to recursively unload any other modules that are dependent on this module, if that would allow it to successfully unload, and load them again afterwards. Loads, unloads or reloads an Asterisk module in a running system. Reload ModuleCheck Check if module is loaded. Asterisk module name (not including extension). Checks if Asterisk module is loaded. Will return Success/Failure. An empty Version header is also returned (which doesn't contain the module revision number). ModuleLoad Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel. Channel name to generate the AOC message on. This value is required unless ChannelPrefix is given. Partial channel prefix. By using this option one can match the beginning part of a channel name without having to put the entire name in. For example if a channel name is SIP/snom-00000001 and this value is set to SIP/snom, then that channel matches and the message will be sent. Note however that only the first matched channel has the message sent on it. Defines what type of AOC message to create, AOC-S, AOC-D or AOC-E Defines what kind of charge this message represents for AOC-D and AOC-E. This represents the amount of units charged. The ETSI AOC standard specifies that this value along with the optional UnitType value are entries in a list. To accommodate this these values take an index value starting at 0 which can be used to generate this list of unit entries. For Example, If two unit entires were required this could be achieved by setting the paramter UnitAmount(0)=1234 and UnitAmount(1)=5678. Note that UnitAmount at index 0 is required when ChargeType=Unit, all other entries in the list are optional. Defines the type of unit. ETSI AOC standard specifies this as an integer value between 1 and 16, but this value is left open to accept any positive integer. Like the UnitAmount parameter, this value represents a list entry and has an index parameter that starts at 0. Specifies the currency's name. Note that this value is truncated after 10 characters. Specifies the charge unit amount as a positive integer. This value is required when ChargeType==Currency (AOC-D or AOC-E) or RateType==Duration/Flat/Volume (AOC-S). Specifies the currency multiplier. This value is required when CurrencyAmount is given. Defines what kind of AOC-D total is represented. Represents a billing ID associated with an AOC-D or AOC-E message. Note that only the first 3 items of the enum are valid AOC-D billing IDs Charging association identifier. This is optional for AOC-E and can be set to any value between -32768 and 32767 Represents the charging association party number. This value is optional for AOC-E. Integer representing the charging plan associated with the ChargingAssociationNumber. The value is bits 7 through 1 of the Q.931 octet containing the type-of-number and numbering-plan-identification fields. Defines what part of the call is charged in AOC-S. Usually this is set to BasicCommunication, which refers to the time after the call is answered, but establishment (CallAttempt) or successful establishment (CallSetup) of a call can also be used. Other options are available, but these generally do not carry enough information to actually calculate the price of a call. It is possible to have multiple ChargedItem entries for a single call -- for example to charge for both the establishment of the call and the actual call. In this case, each ChargedItem is described by a ChargedItem: header and all other headers that follow it up to the next ChargedItem: header. Defines how an AOC-S ChargedItem is charged. The Duration option is only available when ChargedItem==BasicCommunication. Specifies a positive integer which is the amount of time is paid for by one CurrencyAmount. This value is required when RateType==Duration. Specifies the time multiplier. This value is required when Time is given. Specifies a positive integer which is the size of the charged time increments. This value is optional when RateType==Duration and ChargingType==StepFunction. Specifies the granularity time multiplier. This value is required when Granularity is given. Specifies whether the charge increases continuously with time or in increments of Time or, if provided, Granularity. This value is required when RateType==Duration. Specifies the quantity of which one unit is paid for by one CurrencyAmount. This value is required when RateType==Volume. Specifies the charging code, which can be set to a value between 1 and 10. This value is required when ChargedItem==SpecialArrangement or RateType==SpecialCode. Generates an AOC-S, AOC-D or AOC-E message on a channel. AOC-S AOC-D AOC-E Checks attributes of manager accounts Login name, specified in manager.conf The manager account attribute to return The number of sessions for this AMI account Currently, the only supported parameter is "sessions" which will return the current number of active sessions for this AMI account. Dynamically add filters for the current manager session. Add a filter. Advanced match criteria. If not specified, the Filter parameter is assumed to be a regular expression and will be matched against the entire event payload. Syntax: [name(<event_name>)][,header(<header_name>)][,<match_method>] One of each of the following may be specified separated by commas. Instead of prefixing the Filter with ! to exclude matching events, specify action(exclude). Although the default is include if action isn't specified, adding action(include) will help with readability. Only events with name event_name will be included. Only events containing a header with a name of header_name will be included and the Filter parameter (if supplied) will only be matched against the value of the header. Specifies how the Filter parameter is to be applied to the results of applying any name(<event_name>) and/or header(<header_name>) parameters above. One of the following: The Filter parameter contains a regular expression which will be matched against the result. (default) The Filter parameter contains a string which must exactly match the entire result. The Filter parameter contains a string which must match the beginning of the result. The Filter parameter contains a string which must match the end of the result. The Filter parameter contains a string which will be searched for in the result. The Filter parameter is ignored. The match expression to be applied to the event. See the manager.conf.sample file in the configs/samples directory of the Asterisk source tree for more information. See the manager.conf.sample file in the configs/samples directory of the Asterisk source tree for a full description and examples. The filters added are only used for the current session. Once the connection is closed the filters are removed. This comand requires the system permission because this command can be used to create filters that may bypass filters defined in manager.conf Blind transfer channel(s) to the given destination Redirect all channels currently bridged to the specified channel to the specified destination. Redirect BlindTransfer Raised when a hint changes due to a device state change. Name of the extension. Context that owns the extension. Hint set for the extension Numerical value of the extension status. Extension status is determined by the combined device state of all items contained in the hint. The extension was removed from the dialplan. The extension's hint was removed from the dialplan. Idle - Related device(s) are in an idle state. InUse - Related device(s) are in active calls but may take more calls. Busy - Related device(s) are in active calls and may not take any more calls. Unavailable - Related device(s) are not reachable. Ringing - Related device(s) are currently ringing. InUse&Ringing - Related device(s) are currently ringing and in active calls. Hold - Related device(s) are currently on hold. InUse&Hold - Related device(s) are currently on hold and in active calls. Text representation of Status. Status does not match any of the above values. ExtensionState Raised when a hint changes due to a presence state change. PresenceState