// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import "fmt" /* #cgo CFLAGS: -pthread #cgo LDFLAGS: -pthread #include #include #include #include #include int *p; static void sigsegv() { *p = 1; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: C SIGSEGV not thrown on caught?.\n"); exit(2); } static void segvhandler(int signum) { if (signum == SIGSEGV) { fprintf(stdout, "ok\ttestsigfwd\n"); exit(0); // success } } static volatile sig_atomic_t sigioSeen; // Use up some stack space. static void recur(int i, char *p) { char a[1024]; *p = '\0'; if (i > 0) { recur(i - 1, a); } } static void iohandler(int signum) { char a[1024]; recur(4, a); sigioSeen = 1; } static void* sigioThread(void* arg __attribute__ ((unused))) { raise(SIGIO); return NULL; } static void sigioOnThread() { pthread_t tid; int i; pthread_create(&tid, NULL, sigioThread, NULL); pthread_join(tid, NULL); // Wait until the signal has been delivered. i = 0; while (!sigioSeen) { if (sched_yield() < 0) { perror("sched_yield"); } i++; if (i > 10000) { fprintf(stderr, "looping too long waiting for signal\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } static void __attribute__ ((constructor)) sigsetup(void) { struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof act); act.sa_handler = segvhandler; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = iohandler; sigaction(SIGIO, &act, NULL); } */ import "C" var p *byte func f() (ret bool) { defer func() { if recover() == nil { fmt.Errorf("ERROR: couldn't raise SIGSEGV in Go.") C.exit(2) } ret = true }() *p = 1 return false } func main() { // Test that the signal originating in Go is handled (and recovered) by Go. if !f() { fmt.Errorf("couldn't recover from SIGSEGV in Go.") C.exit(2) } // Test that the signal originating in C is handled by C. C.sigsegv() }