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YAFL Python manual

YAFL python extension is provided for prototyping and test purposes, to install it you need to:

  • go to Releases,
  • download latest yaflpy-<latest version>.tar.gz,
  • install it:

    # Cython, numpy, scipy, setuptools, wheel
    # are needed at this point
    pip install path_to/yaflpy-\<latest version\>.tar.gz
    • import the extension: Python import yaflpy

If you don't want to install the extension then you can do this:

import numpy as np
import pyximport
import os
import scipy.stats
import sys

# Write the rigth path here!
SRC_PATH = 'path_to_yafl/src'
EXT_PATH = os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'yaflpy')

sys.path.insert(0, EXT_PATH)

        'include_dirs': [np.get_include(), SRC_PATH, EXT_PATH],

#Now we are ready to import yaflpy
import yaflpy

YAFL python extension API

Actually the API is quite simmilar to FilterPy. We will focus on YAFL features, goto FilterPy documentation for the rest.


We have the following constants:

#Bit masks
yaflpy.ST_MSK_ERROR        = 0xFF0
yaflpy.ST_MSK_WARNING      = 0xF

#Everthing is OK
yaflpy.ST_OK = YAFL_ST_OK

#Error threshold

# Invalid argument numer
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_1  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_1
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_2  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_2
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_3  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_3
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_4  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_4
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_5  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_5
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_6  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_6
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_7  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_7
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_8  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_8
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_9  = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_9
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_10 = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_10
yaflpy.ST_INV_ARG_11 = YAFL_ST_INV_ARG_11

These constants are used to determine statusses of predict and update methods calls. See C-Manual for details.

Base class

The base class is

class yaflpy.yaflKalmanBase(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, hx, residual_z = None)


  • dim_x :int is state vector dimmension,
  • dim_z: int is measurement vector dimmension,
  • dt :float is timestep between measurements is seconds,
  • fx :function(x,dt) is state transistion function,
  • hx :function(x) is measurement function,
  • residual_z :function(x, y), optional, is measurement residual function.

All other classes extend yaflKalmanBase. This base class is not supposed to be used directly. Its API is based on UKF from FilterPy.

NOTE: Only predict and update methods are supported by filters in YAFL at the moment.


The Kalman filter has these attrbutes:

  • P = which is state covariance matrix
  • Q = which is process noise matrix
  • R = which is measurement noise matrix
  • rff which is R forgetting factor used to ajust measurement noice covariance at runtime

Since YAFL implements UD-factorized filters we don't have these attributes directly, but have vectors to store UD-decomposition elements of these attributes:

  • Up :np.array((max(1, (dim_x * (dim_x - 1))//2), )) is vector with upper triangular elements of P
  • Dp :np.array((dim_x, )) is vector with diagonal elements of P
  • Uq :np.array((max(1, (dim_x * (dim_x - 1))//2), )) is vector with upper triangular elements of Q
  • Dq :np.array((dim_x, )) is vector with diagonal elements of Q
  • Ur :np.array((max(1, (dim_z * (dim_z - 1))//2), )) is vector with upper triangular elements of R
  • Dr :np.array((dim_z, )) is vector with diagonal elements of R

Notes on Q and R adjustments

We used this paper to implement optional Q and R adaptive adjustments. Here are som notes on our implementation:

  • All filters in this lib have the optional measurement noice covariance adjustment which can be enabled by setting rff attribute to a small positive number e.g. 1e-4.
  • All EKF filters in this lib have the optional process noice covariance adjustment which can be enabled by setting qff attribute to a small positive number e.g. 1e-4.
  • None of UKF filters have the optional process noice covariance adjustment as it leads to filters instability.

EKF stuf

The base class for all EKF variants is

class yaflpy.yaflExtendedBase(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)


  • jfx :function(x,dt) is function which computes the Jacobian of the fx function. Returns: np.array((dim_x, dim_x)).
  • jhx :function(x) is function which computes the Jacobian of the hx function. Returns: np.array((dim_x, dim_x)).

This class extends yaflpy.yaflKalmanBase. This class is not supposet to be used directly.

NOTE: In addition to rff all EKF variants have qff attribute which is Q forgetting factor used to ajust process noice covariance at runtime

Basic EKF variants

Basic UD-factorized EKF variants are:

class yaflpy.Bierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)


class yaflpy.Joseph(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)

Both classes extend yaflpy.yaflExtendedBase by implemrnting _update(self) method with corresponding update procedures.

The example code is:

from yaflpy import Bierman as KF
#from yaflpy import Joseph as KF

# Measurement std
STD = 100.

# Bootstrap the filter
def _fx(x, dt, **fx_args):
    x = x.copy()
    x[0] += x[1] * dt
    x[2] += x[3] * dt
    return x

def _jfx(x, dt, **fx_args):
    F = np.array([
        [1., dt, 0., 0.],
        [0., 1., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 1., dt],
        [0., 0., 0., 1.],
    return F

def _hx(x, **hx_args):
    if hx_args:
    return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

def _jhx(x, **hx_args):
    H = np.array([
        [1., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 1., 0.],
    return H

def _zrf(a,b):
    return a - b

kf = KF(4, 2, 1., _fx, _jfx, _hx, _jhx, residual_z=_zrf)

kf.x[0] = 0.
kf.x[1] = 0.3
kf.Dp *= .00001
kf.Dq *= 1.0e-8
kf.Dr *= STD*STD
kf.Dr[0] *= .75
kf.Ur += 0.5

# Generate some data
N = 6000

clean  = np.zeros((N, 2))
noisy  = np.zeros((N, 2))
kf_out = np.zeros((N, 2))
t      = np.zeros((N,), dtype=np.float)

for i in range(1, len(clean)):
    clean[i] = clean[i-1] + np.array([1.,1.])
    noisy[i] = clean[i]   + np.random.normal(scale=STD, size=2)
    t[i] = i

#Run the filter
for i, z in enumerate(noisy):
    kf_out[i] = kf.x[::2]

Adaptive EKF variants

Basic class for adaptive UD-factorized EKF variants is

class yaflpy.yaflAdaptiveBase(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)

This class is based on yaflpy.yaflExtendedBase and adds chi2 attribute to it. This class is not supposed to be used directly.

Adaptive UD-factorized EKF variants are:

class yaflpy.AdaptiveBierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)


class yaflpy.AdaptiveJoseph(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)

Both classes extend yaflpy.yaflAdaptiveBase by implementing _update(self) method with corresponding update procedures. Both classes APIs are simmilar to basic variants.

Robust EKF variants

Basic class for adaptive UD-factorized EKF variants is

class yaflpy.yaflRobustBase(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, gz=None, gdotz=None, **kwargs)

This class is based on yaflpy.yaflExtendedBase and adds the following hidden attrbutes to it:

  • gz :function(nu, **hx_args) is influence function. Returns: float.
  • gdotz :function(nu, **hx_args) is influence function first derivative. Returns: float. Both functions take hx_args which are hx function kwargs

This class is not supposed to be used directly.

Adaptive UD-factorized EKF variants are:

class yaflpy.RobustBierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)


class yaflpy.RobustJoseph(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)

Both classes extend yaflpy.yaflRobustBase by implementing _update(self) method with corresponding update procedures. Both classes APIs are simmilar to basic variants.

Adaptive robust EKF variants

Basic class for adaptive UD-factorized EKF variants is

class yaflpy.yaflAdaptiveRobustBase(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, gz=None, gdotz=None, **kwargs)

This class is based on yaflpy.yaflRobustBase and adds chi2 attribute to it. This class is not supposed to be used directly.

Adaptive UD-factorized EKF variants are:

class yaflpy.AdaptiveRobustBierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)


class yaflpy.AdaptiveRobustJoseph(dim_x, dim_z, dt, fx, jfx, hx, jhx, residual_z = None)

Both classes extend yaflpy.yaflAdaptiveRobustBase by implementing _update(self) method with corresponding update procedures. Both classes APIs are simmilar to basic variants.

UKF stuf

Sigma points generator base class

The base class for sigma points generators is:

class yaflpy.yaflSigmaBase(dim_x, addf=None)


  • addf: function(mean, delta, mult) which computes sigma_point = mean + delta * mult

This class is a wrapper around yaflUKFBaseSt type from src/yafl.h. This class is not supposed to be used directly.

Van der Merwe sigma points generator

The generator class is:

class MerweSigmaPoints(dim_x, alpha, beta, kappa=0.0, **kwargs)

This class is a wrapper around yaflUKFMerweSt. It extends yaflSigmaBase and adds the following attributes:

  • alpha is a scaling parameter that determines the width of the sigma point spread.
  • beta is used to account for prior knowledge about the distribution of the mean.
  • kappa is a secondary scaling parameter usually set to 0 or 3-dim_x.

Julier sigma points generator

The generator class is:

class JulierSigmaPoints(dim_x, kappa=0.0, **kwargs)

This class is a wrapper around yaflUKFJulierSt. It extends yaflSigmaBase and adds the following attributes:

  • kappa is a secondary scaling parameter usually set to 0 or 3-dim_x.

Filter base class

The base class for all UKF variants is

class yaflpy.yaflUnscentedBase(dim_x, dim_z, dt, hx, fx, points, x_mean_fn=None, z_mean_fn=None, residual_x=None, residual_z=None)


  • points :yaflSigmaBase is a sigma points generator object.
  • x_mean_fn :function(state_sigmas) is function which computes state sigma points mean. Takes np.array((points_number, dim_x)), returns np.array((dim_x,)).
  • z_mean_fn :function(measurement_sigmas) is function which computes measurements sigma points mean. Takes np.array((points_number, dim_z)), returns np.array((dim_z,)).
  • residual_x :function(a, b), optional, is state residual function.

This class is very simmilar to filterpy.kalman.UnscentedKalmanFilter, see FilterPy docs. This class extends yaflpy.yaflKalmanBase. This class is not supposet to be used directly.

Bierman UKF variants

Basic Bierman UKF class
class yaflpy.UnscentedBierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, hx, fx, points, x_mean_fn=None, z_mean_fn=None, residual_x=None, residual_z=None)

This class extends yaflpy.yaflUnscentedBase by implementing _update(self) method.

The example code is:

from yaflpy import MerweSigmaPoints as SP
from yaflpy import UnscentedBierman as KF

# Bootstrap the filter
STD = 100.

def _fx(x, dt, **fx_args):
    x = x.copy()
    x[0] += x[1] * dt
    x[2] += x[3] * dt
    return x

def _hx(x, **hx_args):
    if hx_args:
    return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

def _zrf(a,b):
    return a - b

sp = SP(4, 0.1, 2., 0)
kf = KF(4, 2, 1., _hx, _fx, sp, residual_z=_zrf)

kf.x[0] = 0.
kf.x[1] = 0.3
kf.Dp *= .00001
kf.Dq *= 1.0e-8
kf.Dr *= STD*STD
kf.Dr[0] *= .75
kf.Ur += .5

# Generate some data
N = 6000
clean = np.zeros((N, 2))
noisy = np.zeros((N, 2))
kf_out = np.zeros((N, 2))
t     = np.zeros((N,), dtype=np.float)

for i in range(1, len(clean)):
    clean[i] = clean[i-1] + np.array([1.,1.])
    noisy[i] = clean[i]   + np.random.normal(scale=STD, size=2)
    t[i] = i

# Run the filter
for i, z in enumerate(noisy):
    kf_out[i] = kf.zp
Adaptive Bierman UKF class
class yaflpy.UnscentedAdaptiveBierman(dim_x, dim_z, yaflFloat dt, hx, fx, points, **kwargs)

This class extends yaflpy.yaflUnscentedBase by addition of chi2 attribute and implementation of _update(self) method.

THe usage is similar to yaflpy.UnscentedBierman.

Robust Bierman UKF class
class yaflpy.UnscentedRobustBierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, hx, fx, points, gz=None, gdotz=None, **kwargs)

This class extends yaflpy.yaflRobustUKFBase by implementation of _update(self) method.

THe usage is similar to yaflpy.UnscentedBierman.

The yaflpy.yaflRobustUKFBase class extends yaflpy.yaflUnscentedBase by addition of the following hidden attrbutes:

  • gz :function(nu, **hx_args) is influence function. Returns: float.
  • gdotz :function(nu, **hx_args) is influence function first derivative. Returns: float.
Adaptive robust Bierman UKF class
class yaflpy.UnscentedAdaptiveRobustBierman(dim_x, dim_z, dt, hx, fx, points, **kwargs)

This class extends yaflpy.yaflAdaptiveRobustUKFBase by implementation of _update(self) method.

THe usage is similar to yaflpy.UnscentedBierman.

The yaflpy.yaflAdaptiveRobustUKFBase class extends yaflpy.yaflRobustUKFBase by addition chi2 attribute.

UD-factorized "Full" UKF variants

class yaflpy.Unscented(dim_x, dim_z, dt, hx, fx, points, **kwargs)

This class extends yaflpy.yaflUnscentedBase by implementation of _update method and by addition of the following attributes:

  • Us :np.array((max(1, (dim_x * (dim_x - 1))//2), )) is vector with upper triangular elements of S
  • Ds :np.array((dim_x, )) is vector with diagonal elements of S See FilterPy docs for details.

THe usage is similar to yaflpy.UnscentedBierman.

class yaflpy.UnscentedAdaptive(dim_x, dim_z, dt, hx, fx, points, aplha = 0.000001, **kwargs)


  • alpha: float is probability margin which is use to initiate chi2 attribute by scipy.stats.chi2.ppf(1.0 - aplha, dim_z)

This class extends yaflpy.Unscented by implementation of _update method and by addition of chi2 attribute.

THe usage is similar to yaflpy.UnscentedBierman.

Good luck \%usename\%

Happy prototyping with YAFL python extension.